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The first step

If you or someone you care about has been sexually assaulted, reaching out for help can be the first step toward healing. The Rape Crisis & Counseling Center offers free, confidential services to survivors of any age, as well as their friends and families. We help survivors from all backgrounds, and we are knowledgeable about all types of sexual violence.

A survivor will be welcomed and treated with respect. Whether the assault took place yesterday or many years ago, The Rape Crisis & Counseling Center is here to help now. Call the 24-hour crisis hotline phone number or give it to a survivor in need: (330) 782-3936.

What happens next

The Medical Examination

  • This voluntary exam will assess for injury, test for sexually transmitted infections, and appraise the risk of pregnancy for females.
  • A pediatrician (for cases involving children) or nurse practitioner specially trained to evaluate signs of sexual abuse will perform the examination.
  • A Colposcope may be used to take pictures to assist in possible prosecution.
  • Cultures may be taken to evaluate the risk of infection.
  • Blood and urine samples may be used to assess for pregnancy and infection.
  • Follow-up medical care may be recommended.

The Legal Process

  • The local Children Services Board will investigate cases involving children.
  • Police in the community where the alleged incident occurred often conduct the investigation.
  • A report from the medical exam and the investigation is sent to the prosecutor of the county in which the crime occurred.
  • The prosecutor then determines if the case will move to prosecution of the alleged perpetrator.

Victims Rights Toolkit - Marsy’s Law Rights

On November 7, 2017, 83% of Ohio voters passed Marsy's Law in an overwhelming show of support for Ohio's crime victims. Marsy's Law has changed the legal landscape for Ohio's crime victims, providing them with new, strengthened, and enforceable rights. Ohio Crime Victim Justice Center believes that all crime victims have the right to learn about, and exercise their Marsy's Law rights. Please visit the Victims' Rights Toolkit to learn about victims' Marsy's Law rights.

Advocacy and Crisis Counseling

Services for Children and Families