About Us
Our Program
The Rape Crisis & Counseling Center is a member of The Ohio Domestic Violence Network (ODVN), the Mahoning County Sexual Assault Response Team, the Mahoning & Trumbull County Human Trafficking Task Force, and the Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence (OAESV) and is funded by:
- The Ohio Attorney General's Office and the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA)
- The Ohio Department of Health
- The Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services and Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
- Office of Healthy Ohio
- Bureau of Health Promotion and Risk Reduction
- Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Prevention Program
Support Groups
A support group is offered twice a month for survivors/cosurvivors of sexual assault and trauma. To see the meeting schedule please click here or call 330-782-5664.
Survivor Services
These services are available to all survivors – women, children, men, and their families – whether you have experienced sexual violence recently, are an adult survivor of childhood sexual abuse or a parent of a survivor. There is no cost to anyone at anytime:
- Counseling: Short-term professional counseling for the survivor and family members.
- Judicial Advocacy: Accompaniment and advocacy in police interviews and court proceedings.
- Case Management: Information and referral to other community resources and help in filing applications for victims of crime compensation.
- Community Outreach: Community education about the realities of rape and recovery.
- Family Advocate: A full-time trained advocate who provides crisis intervention, information on victims’ rights, and emotional support unique to non-offending family members and child survivors at the Child Advocacy Center located on the campus of Akron Children’s Hospital in Boardman Ohio.
- 24-Hour Hotline: (330) 782-3936
Our services are available at on-site locations, such as the courthouse and the hospital, as well as our office located at 535 Marmion Ave.
Community Education & Prevention
The Rape Crisis & Counseling Center offers community education and prevention programs to hundreds of children, adolescents, and adults each year. Our goals are to stop sexual violence before it happens, reduce the stigma associated with these crimes, and expand the community’s understanding of these issues.
While all presentations are customized to meet the unique needs of each population, here are a few of our most popular programs:
- Rape Awareness: What you need to know
- The Difference Between Sexual Assault, Sexual Coercion, and Consensual Sex
- Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships
- Stewards of Children: Adults’ Responsibility in Preventing Child Sexual Abuse
- Special workshops for men’s groups that are dedicated to ending violence against women, such as A Call to Men.
More Information
- BRAVO Ohio
- Ohio Domestic Violence Network (ODVN)
- Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence (OAESV)
- It Gets Better
- Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)
Contact the Rape Crisis and Counseling Center for more information.
About the Rape Crisis and Counseling Center
Compass Family & Community Services
The Rape Crisis and Counseling Center is a program of COMPASS, which has programs that care for people from infancy through their senior years in Mahoning, Trumbull, Columbiana and Jefferson counties. COMPASS provides services in four core areas: Residential Services, Workforce Development/Financial Stability, Outpatient Services and Administrative Support Services.
Our mission is to provide services that will empower, enhance and strengthen individuals and families of the Mahoning Valley through an array of services that respond to the changing needs of the community.
Our vision is to be recognized and respected as a leading community and family service agency that is distinguished by its unique ability to provide comprehensive, easily accessible and timely services.